After installing CactiEZ 0.30 and you start using the Device Tracking Management (MacTrack plugin) area you may receive the following error when creating new site or device.
Error: save Failed.
This error is being generated by the Cacti system because there are no tables in the Cacti database.
Login on the console or with a ssh shell and execute the following commands
cd /var/www/html/plugins/mactrack
php database_upgrade.php
I have couple other issues after scanning a cisco switch, which I will need to follow up on the forum. The device type list is empty in the newest version of CactiEZ and you will need to populate this yourself now.
The Dude
Thanks, I was able to get cacti working, but not the Mac Tracking/Site/Device sections. Much appreciated.
I need to know how Mac-track plug-in works? will you provide me some information or link?
Also, if there are no managed switches but only layer-3 device like router in network for small branches LAN , then does it mean that this MAC-Track plug -in is not at all useful in that case? can I not use only router’s ARP table to track MAC-address, across branches?
thks a lot it is very usefull