I am creating and configuring virtual appliances for ESX server with Ubuntu JeOS 8.04 server release. When you create something it is always good to test what you created.
I finshed one of my JeOS virtual machines running with ESX server and cloned the JeOS virtual machine. JeOS appliance was booted and I logged on. A bash script run to change default passwords and SSH server was re-installed to generate SSH keys; immediately after apt-get tried to install SSH server I got an error and script stopped. I run ifconfig and saw no ethernet interface on Eth0 or Eth1.
The OS did not active the eth0 interface because virtual machine has been cloned and new MAC address assigned to the network interface. In network scripts only eth0 has been enabled and set for DHCP. Open file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to see the problem where two network interfaces are shows with diffrent MAC addresses.
To fix this problem run the following command:
- sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Reboot and the problem has been solved. This issue is not documented and part of the JeOS documentation yet. I hope this post will help you out there. Credit goes to “oneloveamaru” who helped me in the right direction for finding a solution on my problem.
Thanks much for this, this one killed me when I tried to clone a jeos install.