As a security professional I am concerned for my logs left on the ISP going to the Internet. Couple months ago I heard something about a “Tor” network.
My requirements was to initiate a tunnel based a TCP application like Remote Desktop Client (RPD).
After some research on Google and Tor wiki pages I found a virtual appliance called JanusVM. I downloaded the 20MB zip file and put it on my server running VMWare Workstation 6.0. After two minutes the appliance was up and running.
I entered option 4 and created new VPN account. I went back to my Windows XP machine and created new VPN connection to the JanusVM.
The JanusVM VPN tunnel was running and I started Internet Explorer and opened Google page. Entered a search for my IP address and my request returned from Germany 😉
Final test with Remote Desktop client to a server on the Internet and I was successfully logged on with a Tor IP address.
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