Today I passed my third IT certification exam in 6 months. I successfully passed the 70-296 “Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSE Certified on Windows 2000” exam with a score of 800. I prepared myself with one ebook from Syngress and some additional example questions in four weeks. From today I am MCSE certified for Windows Server 2003 and I am looking forward to upgrade my certification to Windows Server 2008. I will wait for a while and get familiar with the new released operating system but eventually I will give it a try. Since 2003 I successfully passed 11 exams on row and the one of today was good example of combining my knowledge and experience and passing this one. Microsoft did a good job of getting the exam streamlined with one testing provider and hopefully things will go more smooth than today with taking the exam. With Thomson Prometric Test Center my session hanged again twice for at least 90 seconds. My next IT certification project will be VMWare Certified Professional.
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