I am a huge fan of WordPress blogging platform. Recently I introduced the platform in my enterprise environment. WordPress is running behind a restricted network and it has no connection to the Internet.
While installing and finalizing the virtual machine which is used to host WordPress I encountered one problem with it. WordPress was so slow! I download latest version of WordPress 2.7 and installed it on a Ubuntu JeOS 8.04 virtual machine appliance.
The initial configuration worked fine; but after I went to the admin area it took minutes before anything was returned. WordPress was so slow that every action took more than 30 seconds. Due to the fact virtual machine was sitting in a firewalled intranet environment the system could not connect to services sitting on the Internet. See my worklog how I got WordPress working and pages are loaded in less than a second.
How to disable interaction with the Internet and WordPress Admin?
- Goto ../wordpress/wp-includes and open http.php
- Search for “ function request( $url, $args = array() ) {“
- Add “return;” behind global. E..g “ return;global $wp_version;”
Now I disabled all interactions to the Internet, but I don’t need them in this enviroment.
Nice one!!
Also working for me!
Keep up the good work!
I use this to tell their sites with wordpress 2.7x
Now how do I do this in Worpdress 3.0.1. There is this line function request ($url, $args = array ()…