At some point I lost my admin account password for a WordPress site. There are several ways to perform a password reset for WordPress.
These are my instruction how I reset my “admin” account password for WordPress 2.7.1.
How to reset WordPress admin password?
- Open a linux shell
- Generare a md5 password by running echo -n password | md5sum
- Go to phpmyadmin and open your wordpress database
- Run following sql (please change the database to yours): UPDATE ‘name-your-database’.’wp_users’ SET ‘user_pass’ =’ 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99′ WHERE ‘wp_users’.’ID’ =1 LIMIT 1 ;
- You can also run mysql; select the database with “use name-your-database;” and run the UPDATE sql from above.
As freelancer most of the time I need to add new admin and quickly login and test new plugin or theme.
I use addnewadmin script.
Simply copy the addnewadmin.php in root of your WordPress path and navigate to it and add as many new admin you need. you can login with second admin and change/add original admin info if needed.
Nice article.
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