Out of the box Windows Virtual PC default does not support adding a Virtual Floppy drive. This feature has been removed from the GUI and hidden for general public. Windows Virtual PC still allows you to attach and work with VFD files. You will need to complete some steps from Command Prompt before your can work with them. Example of the my “Windows XP Mode” virtual machine settings. There is no option for a floppy drive.
Microsoft guys created a script which still allows you to attach a VFD file, but you still need to create a VFD file from scratch before you can continue.
Download Floppy Drive Scripts.zip script.
After running FloppyDrive.vbs you see that there a action to attach a vfd file. After providing right parameters I got the following message:
cscript FloppyDrive.vbs /vm:"Windows XP Mode" /action:vfd /floppy:"C:\mklinks\floppy.vfd"
Attaching C:\mklinks\floppy.vfd to the floppy drive. C:\Scripts\vm\FloppyDrive.vbs(113, 3) (null): The system cannot find the file specified The script does not create my floppy drive and therefore I installed the WinImage tool.
Create new file and save the file as floppy.vfd. Now I re-run my FloppyDirve.vbs script and the file was attached.
If I open the VMC file now I can see my virtual floppy has been added to the configuration. Without the VB script this can be added manually and will perform same actions as the script.
<floppy id=”0″> <pathname> <absolute type=”string”>C:\mklinks\floppy.vfd</absolute> <relative type=”string”>..\..\..\..\..\..\..\mklinks\floppy.vfd</relative> </pathname> </floppy>
can i only do this with a floppy or also with a normaal cd?
Eduardo Werley
Hi, dude, I’ve followed all steps, but the driver created is Write-Protected. How to solve this? I’m running a Windows 7 professional 64-bits in XP mode. Thank you.
Ivan Versluis
Hey Eduardo,
Can you send me an email with the screenshot you are getting?
Eduardo Werley
Dear Ivan Versluis, thanks for replying.
I have managed to solve the write-protection issue. This was due to Windows 7 write permissions in the root folder, where I’ve put the vfd file. When I moved that file to My documents folder, it worked.
I get errors running bot scripts:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At E:\Apps\Virtual_Machine_Additions\Floppy_Drive_Scripts\FloppyDrive.ps1:40 char:39
+ $vmFloppyDrive = $vm.FloppyDrives.item <<<< (1)
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (item:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull